Seeking Answers After Jones Act Seaman's Preventable Death
- Arnold & Itkin
Arnold & Itkin Attorneys Kurt Arnold, Caj Boatright, Roland Christensen, Joseph McGowin, and Claire Traver are seeking justice for a Jones Act seaman who died as a result of his employer’s failure to provide him with reasonable medical care. The company ignored the worker’s need for medical attention and died before his life could be saved.
Offshore companies have a duty to take care of the medical needs of their workers. Since offshore work sites can be hours away from medical facilities, it’s imperative that companies are prepared to immediately address the needs of workers. When they fail to do so, preventable tragedies such as this occur. It’s not right, and the family of this deceased worker deserves answers.
Arnold & Itkin's offshore injury lawyers have an extensive record of successfully representing offshore workers and their families after a company has been negligent. We’ll fight for the compensation this family needs and will refuse to settle for anything less than they deserve.
Our team filed this case in Galveston County, Texas.